910 - Persian physician, Rhazes, first describes smallpox vs. measles
1683 - Anton van Leeuwenhoek observes bacteria
1816 - First stethoscope invented
1899 - Felix Hoffman develops aspirin
1921 - Discovery of insulin
1928 - Sir Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
1942 - First paper published on use of medical ultrasound
1953 - Discover of DNA molecular structure
1972 - Invention of CT imaging
1983 - HIV discovered as virus causing AIDS
1990 - Human genome project starts
2003 - Human genome project completed
2019 - A worldwide pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus begins
Medicine is ever evolving. It can be hard to remember at times, but the medicine we practice is not, nor should it be, the same type of medicine we practiced a year ago, 5 years ago, or 10 years ago.
With every new discover, we must adapt our approach to incorporate the new knowledge. It was from this belief that the Institute for Functional Medicine was born.

“Advancing Functional Medicine For 25 Years.” The Institute for Functional Medicine, www.ifm.org/about/history/
Hajar R. History of medicine timeline.Heart Views. 2015;16(1):43-45. doi:10.4103/1995-705x.153008